Thursday, November 26, 2015

Alice In Wonderland Comes To Cambridge - Enter To Win

We'll start with the Disclaimer - Yes we did receive a complimentary tickets, but this just means we're able to offer you a chance attend too! Enter the contest at the end of this post!

Winter Wonderland

This winter the Cambridge Community Players will be performing Alice In Wonderland.

We think it would be wonderful to begin the winter season by seeing Alice In Wonderland!

Lewis Carrol’s classic tale Alice in Wonderland has reached a milestone 150th anniversary of publication, and the Cambridge Community Players is ready to celebrate. A staged production of both the of the original tale Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the follow up book Through the Looking Glass will run from November 27 to December 12 at the Cambridge Art Theatre.

Pucky yet proper Alice travels down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass she arrives in a world of topsy-turvy rules and peculiar characters. Adventures abound as Alice meets up with the Mad Hatter, Red Queen, White Rabbit and other characters from the Lewis Carrol books. From the tea party to the chess game, the Red Queen’s outburst to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum’s antics, the best stories from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Lookingglass come to life. How will Alice navigate this confusing, silly and sometimes downright bizarre fantasy world? Join us in Wonderland and discover for yourself.

Performance Info

"Alice in Wonderland"
Family Fantasy by Eva Le Gallienne and Florida Friebuse
Adapted from the Lewis Carroll novels
Directed by Shannon Markle
Dates: 2015
Evenings - Nov. 27, 28
Dec. 4, 5, 11
Matinees - Nov. 28, 29
Dec. 5, 6, 12
Evening Curtain: 8 PM, Matinee Curtain: 2 PM

For tickets order online
or call the box office at
Single Ticket PricesAdults - $19.00
Students - $10.00

or you just might win your way in! Be sure to enter our contest below for a pair of tickets!

Enter To Win

Let us know what classic tale you love in comments of this post for a chance to attend Alice In Wonderland!  The contest listed below (might take a minute to load the rafflecopter contest form. If the contest does not pop up, clear your cache and refresh) is for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Alice In Wonderland in Cambridge Ontario Canada. Be sure to post your answer to the question listed in the Rafflecopter Widget in the comment section below.



  1. Classic Tale? My 5 year old son and I have been enjoying "Three Little Pigs" lately... :-) I love "Alice in Wonderland" - would love to take my daughter! She was Alice for Halloween when she was little.

  2. Alice in Wonderland is an all time classic along w Little Women and Anne of Green Gables. Winning tickets would be a lovely early Christmas gift I could share w a friend. FINGERS CROSSED

  3. Alice is my most fave classic tale . I just love Alice .I make my toddler watch the adaptation movie from the 80's

  4. Anne of Green Gables, Pygmalion, Pirates of Penzance

  5. Alice in Wonderland for sure! I even have it tattooed!
