Brought to you by Those2Girls!
Find out what Family Friendly events are happening in the KW area! Have a something great in the KW area that you want to get out to thousands of local parents? Then email
Please check all the links listed as info tends to change without our knowledge. We also suggest you go through the full list as some activities require you to pre-register and many have limited spaces. Dates/Times and Prices Vary.
The top part of our list is for ONGOING EVENTS (daily/weekly events) and further down you can see the MONTH SPECIFIC EVENTS
LAUNCH Waterloo offers free STEAM programs for kids! 6-week team-based, super fun programs introducing, exploring and engaging in all things coding, science, technology, climate and so much more. Learn more and sign up today
Would you like to introduce your young child to French? Would you like to have fun while you learn together? French-English Sing-A-Longs are engaging, interactive, and geared towards children! Kids love the actions and movement! Parents love the familiar lyrics and rhythms that encourage easy memorization! Everyone loves the music! This in-person program is ideal for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers who are little sponges at absorbing new languages, yet cannot yet sit still for a traditional school or class setting. Parents participate in the class, so learning can continue outside of class for those who want to keep on singing! Have a little one who will not sit still? Welcome! Have a little one who is attached at the hip? Welcome! Classes are available in Kitchener, Waterloo and Wilmot, Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday mornings. Classes start the week of January 16th. Discount for siblings. 12 children/students enrolled per class, plus a parent/adult. Come and join us! Make new friends who are fellow language learners! Let's adventure together! Website for more info: Questions? Feel free to ask!!!
Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery at Centre in the Square Stroller Tour
Visit the Gallery with your little ones and enjoy some adult conversation and coffee! This casual guided tour will introduce parents and caregivers to our current exhibitions.
Oxford Auditorium and the Mutual/Market Buildings, on the Woodstock Fairgrounds, at 875 Nellis Street in Woodstock, Ontario. Various admission prices listed at
2023 Waterloo Council Kickoff party! Noon-2pm
This family-friendly event will include free skating, a special Storytime with Councillors, hot beverages and more! All are welcome. No registration required.
Celebrate the New Year with a free skate from 12:00-2:00 p.m. and a reception in MacNeil Hall from 1:00-3:00 p.m. with members of Council, local community organizations and your neighbours. Refreshments provided. Musical entertainment provided by the Hot Ayr Band from 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Community Heroes Storytime at the Guelph Public Library at 10:30am followed by Activities and Art at 11am
Drop into our Westminster Square Branch for a family storytime full of fun songs and stories about our community heroes with special visits from some of our local Guelph community heroes. Preschool to Grade 6. No registration required.
Many of our readers know that we are passionate about the KW Titans. Every year we provide Social Media Coverage of the games and assist with fan activations. We really enjoy the sense of community at the KW Titans games and are thrilled to announce that we will be officially stepping into Community Engagement roles. We really think volunteering with the team is something to celebrate!
Diane Morgan (left) and Lisa McDonald (right) along with a Service Dog that came for a game visit
We look forward to seeing all the smiling faces at the 2023 games. Whether assisting with on-court activities with new Team Owner David Schooley,
Team Owner David Schooley and Titus the Titan pose with the Fan of the Game
finding fans in the crowd,
A lucky fan and her Father receiving a KW Titans Prize Pack from @Those2Girls
or mingling at the Meet and Greets, we will be at the Titans' games to ensure you have a great basketball experience.
Diane Morgan and Lisa McDonald at the Players' Meet and Greet with local entertainer JP Sunga
Off the court, we will be connecting our readers with the team through updates, activities, and perhaps some fun contests.
Much more information is to come, but be sure to stay tuned to this blog to stay in the loop!
Have you been to a KW Titans game? We would love to hear what you enjoyed most about it. Leave a comment below or tag @Those2Girls and use the hashtag #WeAreTitans in your social media posts!
KW Titans fans are already familiar with Coach Cliff's passion for the team. He was a pivotal part of last year's coaching staff, holding the position of Assistant Coach during the return of Titans Basketball after Covid restrictions were lifted. During that time he was also named to the National Basketball League of Canada's Top 10 Anniversary team for his contributions in prior seasons as a player in the league.
For those new to the following Kitchener-Waterloo's Professional Basketball team, Cliff Clinkscales will captivate you immediately with his enthusiasm for the team and its fans.
"I am thankful and grateful for this opportunity and am very excited to get to work. To all supporters of KW Titans, come out to cheer us on! See y’all soon" is what Coach Cliff had to say when we connected to congratulate him today.
The new NBLC season is right around the corner, and this will be one of many exciting announcements you will hear from the team. For more information about the KW Titans, visit
Many Christmas traditions include gathering the family together to watch The Sound of Music on TV. This yearDrayton Entertainmentwants to bring the tradition to you live on stage in Cambridge. Bring your whole family to seeThe Sound of Musicperformed live before their very eyes this Holiday Season. Together you will enjoy the Rogers and Hammerstein favourites such as Do-Re-Mi, My Favorite Things and Maria's very own affirmation song I Have Confidence.
Each character portrayed is highlighted by their individuality and spunk. Whether it is teenager Lisel sneaking in through the window, pre-teen Louisa playing pranks, young Kurt learning to dance, or new Governess Maria returning Captain von Trapp's whistle, these quirky moments add to the musical's charm and connect you with the family dynamics of the von Trapp family. With memorable songs and a multi-layered storyline, I have confidence that you and your family will be delighted by Drayton Entertainment's The Sound of Music.
About The Show
Join us for a timeless classic as our stage becomes alive with the "sound of music. “In this epic love story, aspiring nun Maria leaves the convent to govern the seven mischievous children of Captain von Trapp. Through her youthful vitality and purity of heart, she brings a fleeting moment of happiness to their lives as the shadows of tyranny spread over Europe
Get Your Tickets Now
The Sound of Music is now playing at the Hamilton Family Theatre in Cambridge Ontario. Various dates and times are available for tickets with the final performance at 2pm on December 24 (Christmas Eve) 2022.
Regular performance tickets are $53 for adults, $32 for youth under 20 years of age, and $43 for groups of 20 or more
Tickets may be purchased by calling the Box Office at 519-621-8000 or toll free at 1-855 DRAYTON (372-9866), or online at
We'll start with the Disclaimer - Yes, we did receive complimentary passes to this show, but this just means we're able to offer you a chance to win tickets too! Enter the contest at the end of this post!
Sunday, December 18th will be the day that Kitchener's Victoria Park Pavillion will be transformed into a Chilly Christmas Celebration. Storybook Events will be celebrating their first birthday with the Snow Ball and they want to invite your family to the party!
This family-friendly festive event will warm hearts with a performance by the Royal Ice Family, themed activities and Photo Opps Galore!
This whimsical festival is a delightful way to celebrate the season and make sure to get your gift from the Jolly Old Elf Himself. Yes, Santa Claus will be there too!
What to Expect at the Snow Ball
A 30 Minute Interactive Icy Performance by the Frosty Family
Meet & Greet After The Show
Photo Ops
Balloon Animals
Craft Station & Colouring
Gift From Santa
Professional Photos With Santa (a link to digital downloads will be provided after the event)
There are 2 show times, followed by activities:
Time Slot #1: 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M. (Show starts at 12:00, doors open at 11:45)
Time Slot #2: 2:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. (Show starts at 2:30, doors open at 2:15)
Grab Your Tickets Before they are Gone!
There are a limited amount of tickets for each performance that day. Everyone in attendance requires a ticket. Tickets are $37 +fees.
We are thrilled to tell you that we also have a Family Four Pack of Tickets to the Snow Ball to giveaway!
The contest listed below (it might take a minute to load the rafflecopter contest form) is for tickets only. You must provide your own transportation. Be sure to leave a comment with why you want to win. It works best if you are logged into your Google Account
D id you know that PAW PATROL is on tour and headed for Kitchener Ontario Canada?!?!?! This Saturday and Sunday September 16 and 1...
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Stuff to do with your kids in Kitchener Waterloo
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PLEASE READ BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO POST TO THIS PAGE>>>We're always looking for low cost (MEANING $20 OR LESS PER FAMILY) & especially Free events in th...
Have something fantastic that you need to get the word out about? We can help!
email with Stuff To Do in the subject line We ask that you do share the post with your networks as well. Thanks Lisa & Diane aka @Those2Girls